Responsible AI Usage Policy at

Artificial intelligence (AI) is developing at a very fast pace. These are new opportunities for mass media. The editorial staff of actively studies the best practices of world media and uses a variety of artificial intelligence tools in its work.

It is important to note that, as of today, universal rules and policies regarding the use of artificial intelligence in various spheres of life and industries have not been developed. Including regulation of copyrights and supervision of their observance. However, there are already guidelines and principles for the use of AI that should be followed. In particular, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine gave several tips on how to use artificial intelligence in the media landscape, followed by the editorial office of the independent media

These sectoral recommendations are one of the components of the roadmap for the regulation of artificial intelligence in Ukraine. AI systems can be useful at various stages of media activity — from data collection and analysis to content creation, news distribution, and audience interaction.

The purpose of the recommendations is the implementation and use of the Guidelines for the responsible implementation of artificial intelligence systems in journalism, as well as the dissemination of current international practices, principles and approaches to the responsible use of AI systems in the field of media for the observance of human rights and professional ethical standards.

Among the main principles are the transparency of the use of AI systems, a clear distinction between copyrighted and neural network-generated content, the priority of the human factor when creating materials, as well as media self-regulation in the event of interaction with this technology.

The recommendations apply to any AI systems used by journalists, including:

  1. content creation using generative AI systems,

  2. analysis of large data sets,

  3. administration / automation of work processes (search for experts, selection of sources, formation of standard contracts, etc.),

  4. content management (searching and checking content, translating or transcribing material, moderating comments on media websites, prioritizing or personalizing content).

The main principles of responsible use of AI systems, which are followed by the editorial office

Our team uses AI systems taking into account the basic values ​​of journalistic ethics, including truthfulness and accuracy, impartiality and independence, non-harm, non-discrimination, accountability, inclusiveness, respect for private life, confidentiality of sources and other principles stipulated by the Code of Ethics of a Ukrainian Journalist.

The main principles when using AI systems that correspond to the public interest, which we follow:

  1. responsible editorial decision (implementation of AI systems based on a conscious and considered editorial decision);

  2. legality (presence of necessary rights to use AI systems / publication of AI work results);

  3. regular assessment of risks associated with the use of AI systems (such legal and technical assessments are carried out at all stages of the life cycle of an AI system);

  4. transparency and comprehensibility (disclosing information about the use of AI systems and explaining the purposes and methods of such use; understanding the sources of information on which the AI ​​works);

  5. awareness of the audience about the use of AI systems and the nature of distributed content (proactively bringing information about the use of AI to the attention of the reader / viewer / listener; a clear distinction between authentic and AI-generated content, etc.);

  6. privacy and data protection (preventing leakage of personal data or other confidential information through the used AI systems);

  7. diversity (ensuring audience access to versatile content when using personalization tools) and non-discrimination;

  8. professional human control (providing a control check of the results of the work of AI systems by the editor).

The use of artificial intelligence in the work of the editorial office

Text decoding (video transcription)

The editors of the site actively use AI to decipher various video materials. Artificial intelligence has made typing much easier. The end result is the text read and edited by the editor, as well as a check for the correspondence of what the speaker said.

Partial rewriting of texts, titles, descriptions and formation of SEO blocks editors can use AI to edit headlines, create search keys, and make small rewrites of individual blocks of text. But the priority in the work of editors is still professional development, which includes the author's creativity in creating original materials.

For individual SEO blocks, we can use AI to generate a list of search queries and descriptions according to the content of the news, article or other publication.

The policy of using artificial intelligence during the creation of journalistic materials has become part of the editorial policy of the independent media This section will be regularly updated and supplemented in accordance with how we will update this policy.

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