Fish prepared in any way is considered a useful element of a healthy diet. It can be prepared on the grill, in a pan and by other methods. Nutritionists believe and recommend eating fatty types of fish at least once a week. Everyone has known for a long time about the great benefits of fish - Omega-3 fatty acids, which are contained in many types of seafood, have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, as well as improve the condition of the arteries, reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body. Numerous studies have shown that fish in the diet reduces the risk of sudden death from heart failure.
Baked salmon recipe history
Scientists have found evidence of cooking over fire, which is 780 thousand years old - these were fish teeth, which were dug up in the territory where the ancient Homo lived (territory of Israel). The remains were studied and came to the conclusion that the fish was subjected to layering in the range of 200-500 degrees. Scientists learned that the fish was exposed to the temperature that is inherent in a moderate fire when cooking a dish. After comparing all the information and other data, the archaeologists concluded that the fish was not thrown into an open fire. It was baked near it, perhaps even in a kind of earth oven, and also consumed on the spot. All these facts are the oldest evidence of cooking fish and meat on fire.
The art of deliciously cooking fish was highly valued even in ancient times. Everything was based on the experience and culinary art of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean coast. In the history of Ancient Greece, which was surrounded on all sides by seas, there was a period when fish was considered food for poor people. These facts of history are written on the pages of Homer's Iliad. "Fish cuisine" began to develop much later, during the development of Ancient Greece. Sea fish was also respected in Ancient Rome, it was here that it was salted, marinated, smoked, and also in Asia. The Greek Aristophanes, who held the position of ambassador to the Persian court for a certain time, wrote that the Persian ruler gave a generous reward to the one who invented a fish dish. The list of all types of lake and river fish used for food is very long and varied. But sturgeon - "red fish" and others - were valued most highly for their taste qualities.

How to cook baked salmon, all the necessary ingredients
Classic recipe for baked salmon, ingredients for four portions of fish fillet with skin:
1/4 cup of honey;
Zest and juice of 1 lime;
1 tablespoon of sugar;
1/2 teaspoon of ground cumin;
1/4 teaspoon of smoked paprika;
1 clove of garlic!
salt and freshly ground black pepper;
The cooking process
Baked salmon takes a little time to prepare.
In Ukraine, fish was prepared in different ways. Fish baked in clay was delicious. It was rubbed with salt, wrapped in leaves, smeared with clay and put in ashes. When the clay started to crackle, the fish was considered cooked. Fish dishes were often baked in clay without being wrapped in anything - in this case, the fish was baked with scales, which were then removed with the clay. A simple recipe for baked salmon can be found on the Internet or other culinary sources.