There is no Ukrainian who does not know what the "state trident" looks like. We meet his image regularly - on securities, on important documents, on key public buildings, on official seals and even on money. And such an important symbol naturally has its own commemorative date - February 19, the Day of the State Coat of Arms of Ukraine. So today Guide Online will tell you about the history of this holiday, as well as suggest a few good congratulations on the day of the national coat of arms.
History of the Day of the National Emblem of Ukraine
First of all, an important clarification. We all know the trident, which we honor on the day of the national coat of arms of Ukraine in 2024, it is a small coat of arms. A simplified symbol, convenient to image and embody in metal or on paper. And there is also a large coat of arms - a composite structure that must comply with the European rules of heraldry. And he also has Ukraine, although there have been some difficulties with him for a long time. But about everything in order.
According to historical data, the trident in almost the form we know was one of the official coats of arms of Volodymyr the Great. Before him, various stylized images of tridents were used by almost all representatives of the Rurik dynasty. After him, by the way, too - but there they followed the path of simplification, bringing it to the state of a very schematic bicuspid. However, for a very long time, the trident was the most famous coat of arms in Kyivan Rus.
The revival of the trident as a small coat of arms took place already in the 20th century - in the Ukrainian People's Republic. The new state formation was in dire need of symbols, preferably associated with a rich historical past. A whole commission was even assembled for their creation - headed by Mykhailo Hrushevskyi. However, even before the official adoption of the new small state coat of arms of Ukraine, it was first placed on the first coins of the Ukrainian People's Republic, and then on the project of the naval flag. And it was officially approved only on February 25, 1918.
And then there were the times of the Ukrainian SSR, when any mention of the trident was mercilessly punished as nationalist. And not for nothing, because in the consciousness of Ukrainians, this "Volodymyr trident" has already been firmly fixed as a symbol of independent Ukraine. It was actively used by representatives of the UNR government in immigration, and OUN, and UPA, and in later years.
So it is absolutely logical that after the declaration of Ukraine's independence in 1991, one of the first resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada was the recognition of the "Volodymyr trident" as a small coat of arms of Ukraine. It happened on February 19, so now the Day of the State Emblem of Ukraine is celebrated exactly then.
As for the big coat of arms, everything is complicated here. Even Mykhailo Hrushevsky himself wrote that Ukraine never had a great coat of arms. There were different small ones in different territorial formations, while there was no global one that also conformed to European heraldic rules (adopted in the 12th century, if anything). So it had to be created. The main colors were adopted, the form was agreed upon, and it was decided that a lion must be present there - as a symbol of the ZUNR and its ancient predecessor - the Galicia-Volyn Principality, as well as a "Cossack with a musket" - the coat of arms of the Zaporizhzhya Army. However, the project was not completed until the end.
In recent times, the process of creating the great coat of arms of Ukraine was also difficult. Only in 1996 was the first commission headed by Oleksandr Ivakhnenko assembled, the results of which, however, were not officially accepted. And only in 2021, on the basis of those developments, a new large state coat of arms of Ukraine was created, officially approved on August 24.
Congratulations on the Day of the National Emblem of Ukraine
Everyone knows what our coat of arms looks like. But how it came to this form, when it was adopted and what a rich history it has - very few people remember. And congratulations on the day of the national coat of arms - a reason to remind about all this. So now Guide Online will share with you pictures and text greetings that will definitely be relevant on this day.
I congratulate you on the Day of the State Emblem of Ukraine! On the chevrons of Ukrainian soldiers who protect our country from Russian aggression today, a trident is depicted again, as it was a century ago. For many centuries, our coat of arms has united Ukrainians and given us strength. It is a symbol of the state, which has passed a long and at the same time tragic path, with which the Ukrainian people affirmed the age-old dream of statehood, sobrality and independence.
I congratulate you on this important day! Let us be worthy of our history and the tasks facing the Ukrainian State today! For the modern generation of Ukrainians, the Trident is a symbol with great meaning. It is not for nothing that the word "Will" is encrypted in it. And may this flag continue to fly proudly among the flags of European states as a symbol of a country that has chosen a democratic path of development!
Pictures "Happy State Coat of Arms Day"

The coat of arms, flag and anthem are the main symbols of any state. And every self-respecting citizen should at least generally know their history - to understand what his country went through on the way to its formation. Therefore, February 19, the day of the national coat of arms of Ukraine, is a holiday that should be remembered without fail. Especially in this difficult time, when enemy propaganda is actively trying to discredit and denigrate everything related to the centuries-old struggle of Ukraine for its independence.