On January 22, an important historical holiday is celebrated - the Day of the Unity of Ukraine. It is important because it is directly related to the struggle of Ukrainians for freedom, self-determination and unity. And now Guide Online will tell you more about the history of this holiday, as well as the traditions associated with how it is celebrated.
History of the holiday
On March 3, 1917, a meeting of civil and cultural figures of the Ukrainian people, organized by the Society of Ukrainian Progressives and the Ukrainian Social Democratic Labor Party, took place in Kyiv. On the agenda is the question: how to live on. The Russian Empire is no more - the revolution, the autocracy has fallen, various nationalities are rapidly running away from the former "prison of nations". And the decision should be made as soon as possible.
As a result of long debates (they were willing to see Ukraine autonomous as part of a federal union with the remnants of Russia), supporters of independence won. And on March 17, the Ukrainian Central Rada was officially proclaimed. Which soon - on January 22, 1918, as part of the IV Universal, announced the independence of the Ukrainian People's Republic.
Simultaneously with the processes of consolidation of the central Ukrainian territories, something similar was happening in the west - in Lviv, which was already a significant cultural center at that time. And on October 18, 1918, the Ukrainian National Council was founded there, which took under its control the territories of Transcarpathia, Halychyna, and Bukovyna in the form of the West Ukrainian People's Republic.
And on January 3, 1919, a decision was announced to unify ZUNR and UNR into a single state entity. Which was finally approved on January 22, the same day when the independence of the Ukrainian People's Republic was declared.
Unfortunately, things did not go as planned - the military machine of Bolshevism mercilessly suppressed all attempts of Ukrainians to gain freedom and independence. But they did not forget about the idea of a united, that is, "conciliar" Ukraine.
For the first time, the celebration of the signing of the "Act of Zluka" by ZUNR and UNR was celebrated in the city of Khust, Transcarpathia. At that time — Czechoslovakia. But the Second World War and subsequent events prevented the further development of this holiday. Although people still remembered him. And even celebrate. However, only in 1999, by decree of President Leonid Kuchma, it became official - the Day of Unity of Ukraine.
But then Yanukovych and his "original legislative initiatives" happened. And in 2011, the Day of the Congregation was "officially" combined with another holiday - the Day of Freedom. True, mostly in words, because in fact, at the state level, they began to actively ignore what is another holiday. And only in 2014, by the decree of President Petro Poroshenko, the Day of the Congregation was restored on January 22.
How to celebrate the Day of the Unity of Ukraine on January 22
Since this holiday is quite young, and even with its official celebration for many years there were various difficulties, it did not have time to grow with special traditions. Except for one - "Live Chain".
Back in 1990, when the USSR was just beginning to collapse, in honor of the anniversary of the "Act of Zluka", representatives of the People's Movement of Ukraine organized a "living chain" from Ivano-Frankivsk to Kyiv via Lviv. A huge distance, by the way — 770 km. According to some data, up to 3 million people took part in this action.
In independent Ukraine, this event was well remembered and regularly repeated, however, on a smaller scale. Except in recent years, when most mass events were banned due to the risk of air and missile strikes.
So, how the Day of the Congregation will be celebrated on January 22 in modern Ukraine is still not entirely clear. One thing is clear - that he will be celebrated for sure. After all, Ukraine will be both cathedral and free.
Congratulations on the Day of the Unity of Ukraine
Despite the fact that this holiday is not very popular among ordinary people, right now it should not be forgotten. Simply due to the fact that territories have reappeared that, within the framework of historical justice, should be reunited with Ukraine. And it is very important to regularly remind ourselves and everyone about this - so as not to lose faith in our victory. Therefore, Guide Online will now share with you congratulatory texts and pictures on the day of the Catholic Church, which you can send to anyone you want.
We congratulate all Ukrainians on the Day of Sobornosty! This is one of the most important holidays of our country, which symbolizes that we are all one people and no borders will be able to divide us. Let's always remember this!
Congratulations on the Day of the Unity of Ukraine! I sincerely wish to always love my country, be proud of my history and my people. May Ukraine be a proud bird in the flock of world countries, may it give Ukrainians freedom of thought, a sense of happiness, peace and bright hope every day.
Happy Assembly Day, the state,
Be rich, sincere, lively.
Let the people appreciate you
Keeps and honors!
With a huge holiday, people,
May the country be good.
Peace reigns and zeal,
Let the country bloom, brothers!
Pictures of the Day of the Unity of Ukraine

You need to know the history of your country. If only in order not to be led by the delusions of various provocateurs, who say, "The entire history of Ukraine is the history of the Russian Empire/Russia/USSR." It does not. Ukrainians have always wanted freedom and started fighting for it a long time ago. And the Day of the Assembly of Ukraine is another confirmation of that. So happy holiday to you, dear fellow citizens! Ukraine will still be both cathedral and free!