On January 21, 2024, Ukraine celebrates International Hug Day. This holiday unites hundreds of thousands of people around the world and reminds us that hugs are very important for each of us. Guide Online tells about the history of the creation of the holiday, its meaning and traditions of celebration in Ukraine.
When is Hug Day in 2024?

International Hug Day is celebrated around the world on January 21. It was founded in 1986 in America and was called International Hug Day. Despite the fact that the holiday is quite young, it has already managed to gain thousands of supporters around the world. Therefore, in Ukraine, Hug Day is celebrated on January 21.
There is another day that can also be considered a holiday of hugs - December 4. It was created in the 70s of the last century, but was never able to reach the international level. Plus, some countries, for example, Japan, have their own national "hug days", which are celebrated no less actively than international ones.
Who invented the Hug Day holiday?
Hug Day was created in the USA in 1986. It is believed that the initiators and founders were local students and young people. Their idea was to give hugs to anyone, even the average person. But it is difficult to identify one specific author. Later, the idea of the holiday came to the taste of young people from other countries, gradually the holiday became international.
There is another version. According to her, the initiator of the holiday was Protestant pastor Kevin Zaborny from Michigan, USA. He noted that it is extremely difficult for people to express their emotions and feelings. And that many people deliberately build a psychological barrier between themselves and others because of that. And Kevin decided that if you give hugs an additional religious meaning, saying: "all people are brothers, and hugging your brother is natural", then it will be easier for parishioners to hug. The idea turned out to be very successful - from the tradition of one parish, it quickly spread to all states, and then turned into the international Day of Hugs.
Giving hugs was liked so much in all parts of the planet, and that's why the holiday took root almost everywhere. Now citizens of many countries, including Ukraine, join the celebration. They use this day to give plenty of hugs, to give warmth and happiness to others.
Moreover, the idea that you should hug more, more often, and even with strangers, was liked by the international community so much that the Free Hugs public movement was created. His goal is to give hugs to all strangers who agree. And not only on January 21, Hug Day, but also at any opportunity. And for those who were not very comfortable hugging unknown people, special "hugging parties" were invented.
What is the meaning of International Hug Day?

Scientists have proven that hugging is good for health. With regular hugs in the human body, the activity of the central nervous system is stimulated, immunity increases and improves, and the hormone oxytocin is released. And in general, hugs lift your mood, give you a smile, and charge you with positivity for the whole day.
Scientists have even found out the mechanism by which this happens. It's all about the mother's arms. This is simply the most comfortable position for breastfeeding. And babies get used to it very quickly - they even develop reflex reactions to hugs. And this habit remains with them forever.
But in the modern rhythm of life, we forget that hugs are good for our health. And in order to remind people about this, International Hug Day was created. On this day, every person can give hugs to everyone around them: passers-by on the street, friends, relatives, loved ones. Such hugs will help relieve stress, give a good mood and improve relations between two people.
Interesting fact: psychologists recommend parents to hug their children as often as possible, starting from birth. After all, it helps to develop faster both physically and mentally. But children whose parents gave them little warmth, love and hugs in childhood may have mental problems in the future.
That is why it is very important to hug children a lot and often. Especially when they feel stressed or even just plain uncomfortable. And hugs don't have to be formal - it feels very good. Ideally, they should be strong, last at least 20 seconds and be repeated from 4 to 12 times a day, even without a special reason.
How is Hug Day celebrated in Ukraine?

In Ukraine, this day does not have the status of an official holiday, it is not distinguished as a weekend. Celebrating the Day of Hugs started not so long ago, so there are no established traditions of the holiday. But it gives a good opportunity to create your own rites and rules of celebration.
Most often, young people join the celebration. On this day, they are preparing interesting flash mobs and quests, to which everyone is invited. The most common flash mob in Ukraine is as follows: short phrases such as "I want a hug", "Hug me", "Let's hug", etc. are written on cardboard, Whatman and homemade posters. Then they walk the streets of the city with these signs, offering "hugs" to everyone they meet. Such flash mobs give only positive emotions and do not harm anyone.
Actually, this is exactly what students from the USA did at one time. After all, in that country you can't just approach a stranger, especially for physical contact. You need to outline your goal in advance and clearly, so that those who do not feel like hugs now can calmly refuse. After all, the goal of International Hug Day is to bring positive emotions, not additional discomfort.
But to join the day of hugs, it is not necessary to participate in such flash mobs. It will be enough to simply hug those around you: children, parents, a loved one, close friends, relatives. Give them warmth and remind them that you love them.
And even with a domestic cat you can hug, although there is a separate holiday for this, which is celebrated on March 30.
Congratulations on the Day of Hugs
Let's be honest: various thematic poems, Hug Day pictures and funny photos with congratulatory inscriptions are not at all the same as real "hugs". However, in those situations when dear and close people are out of your reach, and they will come in handy. After all, attention is also important. Therefore, Guide Online will now provide you with poems, cards and pictures of Hug Day, which you can safely forward to anyone you want.
Happy Hug Day! Radiate joy, give positivity and smiles. Hug more often and charge all skeptics with a good mood! Hugs bring people together, hugs color gray everyday life, hugs give happiness.
Happy Hug Day! From the bottom of my heart, I wish to hug and hug you every day. May your loved ones always give you joy and happiness. Let children and friends, relatives and loved ones, colleagues and acquaintances, pets and even a warm blanket hug you on cold winter evenings.
Hugging our parents makes us calm.
Hugging loved ones makes us happy.
Hugging children makes us kind.
Hugging friends makes us sincere.
Hugging acquaintances makes us open.
By embracing life, we become wise.
Happy Hug Day!
Postcards with the Day of Hugs

And in conclusion, let us remind you that hugging is useful on any day of the year, not only on a holiday. We wish you to spend International Hug Day with warmth and positive emotions. Congratulating on the holiday, give your loved ones warmth and sincere hugs. After all, now is a time when any positive emotions are extremely important. As well as the feeling that you are not alone. And that there are people to whom you are valuable and dear.