Calendar of Holidays
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June 28 — Constitution Day of Ukraine

June 28 — Constitution Day of Ukraine

Since 1996, Ukraine has been celebrating a holiday — the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine. On what date is the Constitution Day of Ukraine? On June 28, it was on this day that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Basic Law of our state. The constitution was adopted only five years after Ukraine gained independence. Until this moment, the law of the former Ukrainian SSR was used.

The Constitution Day of Ukraine 2024 is one of the most important public holidays, it is enshrined in the law itself: "Article 161. The day of adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine is a state holiday — the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine." It enshrines the legal foundations of independent Ukraine, its sovereignty and territorial integrity, it became an important step in ensuring human and citizen rights and increased the international authority of Ukraine in the world.

Constitution Day of Ukraine — interesting facts, history of origin

The first Constitution of Ukraine was created in April 1710, near the Cossack town of Tyagin, on the banks of the Dniester River, another name is the Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk. This document was the beginning of the creation of the new Constitution of the country. The First Constitution did not acquire any real force, since its drafters were drawn up abroad and never returned to their homeland. In the history of Ukraine, this document remained as a legal monument that testified to the existence of the republic's parliamentary democracy even in those days.

Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk

Formation of the Basic Law of Ukraine and some facts about it:

  • in 6 years there were almost fifteen drafts of the Main Law. In addition to the special commission, various political forces put forward their projects. For example, the project of Ukrainian nationalists did not determine the autonomy of Crimea. However, the communists insisted on the name Ukrainian SSR, as well as the return of the Soviet form of government and joining the new union. The CP also intended to limit the president's rights;

  • the most controversial points of the Constitution: division of actions between the "branches of power", state symbols, private property, the status of Crimea (as an Autonomous Republic), the status of the Russian language;

  • The Council fully approved all provisions of the Law for twenty-four hours. On June 27, 1996, the "servants of the people" considered the draft Basic Law at a meeting without intermission. Voting was conducted for each article separately and then for all sections together. The final decision for the Constitution, as a whole, was made at 9:20 am on June 28, 1996;

  • The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine amended the Constitution eight times. Some of the subsequent changes canceled previous ones. The last change took place on September 3, 2019 — deputies removed their inviolability;

  • The international community adopted the Constitution of Ukraine, it was called one of the most democratic in the world;

  • Presidents take an oath of loyalty to the people of Ukraine, placing their hands on the Constitution and the Peresopnytsk Gospel;

  • In 2011, the first miniature Constitution of Ukraine was created, the book is 2x3 cm in size. It has one hundred and sixty pages, each letter is no more than one millimeter in size. The miniature version contained only a tenth of the text of the original. The author is the graphic artist Ihor Stepanov, who spent about 2 months creating it.

Constitution Day of Ukraine

The predecessors of the Main Law of Ukraine were:

  1. Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk - 1710;

  2. Constitution of the Ukrainian People's Republic - April 29, 1918;

  3. Small constitution of the ZUNR - November 13, 1918.

  4. Provisional Constitution of Carpathian Ukraine - March 15, 1939.

The Day of the Constitution of Ukraine celebrations, traditions and entertainment

To the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine, every year representatives of the authorities and activists organize various educational and patriotic events. Every year, since the adoption of the Main Law, a holiday is celebrated in Kyiv - parades, concerts, various interesting exhibitions and festivals are held. Traditionally, on this day, the streets of the country were decorated with flags and patriotic posters. The first heads of state congratulated Ukrainians on the holiday, making solemn speeches.

This year, the Constitution Day of Ukraine will once again be celebrated under martial law. Ukraine is a sovereign and independent state. Ukrainians must remember that the victory will definitely be ours!

Congratulations on the Constitution Day of Ukraine, with which you can congratulate loved ones, relatives and friends:

I congratulate you on the Constitution Day of Ukraine and from the bottom of my heart I wish you to always be proud of your country and remember your rights, respect any law and correctly understand the interpretation of any rule. Let the Constitution provide a full-fledged life and give an opportunity for self-realization in this life.


The adoption by the people of their most important law marks the birth of a free state. So let this date in the calendar not become an empty sound for us and every citizen can say with dignity that we really have the country we deserve. Let her remain independent and powerful. Let the harvest of joy grow in the yellow fields, and the blue sky will never be hidden by smoke or clouds of anger. Happy Constitution Day!


Happy Constitution Day of Ukraine! I want to live as I please, but without restrictions on the right to choose, freedom of speech and a noble deed. Let there be order in our country, and peace and joy in the soul.


Poems for the Constitution Day of Ukraine:

I am Ukrainian. I have the right

In your native language and country,

On the proud golden-blue flag,

Lucky to live in such a country.

I am Ukrainian. I have the right to know

About those whom I consider heroes

That humanity was saved from ruin, -

Sons and daughters worthy of Ukraine.

I am Ukrainian. I want to have the right

Always say everything I think

For an independent and strong state,

For everything that is guaranteed by law.

I am Ukrainian. And this is my right

To love the proud and majestic land,

But the spirit of freedom to gather in the chest.

I am Ukrainian. I was, I am, and I will be!


Native Ukraine is the language of the Nightingale,

Golden ear of corn, poppies in the rye.

The edge of the gate - viburnum, willow, sycamore,

Temples and lights in the colors of towels.

Native Ukraine is a drop of the soul,

Cranberry song in the morning.

Our native Ukraine is a single land,

That Taras went down with bare feet.

Native Ukraine - a pair of swans,

A bottomless lake and a swift river,

In the garden, the hut is a white shirt,

A path is a path in green mosses.

Our native Ukraine is a family at the table,

A fog is creeping through the ravine.

Father's conversation is quiet, evening,

Mother's prayer is an eternal talisman.


In the central square of the city, where the acacia is blooming,

The constitution of the state was announced by the nation,

Zaporozhye hetman Orlyk for his people,

He tried to live according to his law.

More than one generation tried, fought,

But they dreamed and prayed about a free Ukraine.

So that we can live freely in our country,

Our heroes had to shed their blood.

In the central square of the city, where the acacia is blooming,

The nation celebrates the Ukrainian Constitution again,

The nation is new and free, free in its land,

Love your Ukraine! I congratulate you on the holiday!


Congratulations on the Constitution Day of Ukraine:

Congratulations on the national holiday - the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine! From the bottom of my heart, I wish you good health, cheerfulness of spirit and confidence in the cloudless constitutional future of our common state. Let us be together in the process of building a democratic civil society. Glory to Ukraine!


I congratulate you on the national holiday - the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine! This day has forever entered the modern history of our society, and therefore we can only hope that all the rights and freedoms declared by the Constitution will gradually become the norm of life for the citizens of Ukraine. Democratic development has never been easy, so let's be patient and believe that the next generations of Ukrainians will live in a completely different country, which can be proudly called a constitutionally developed and legal European state.


We sincerely congratulate you on an important national holiday - the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine! Let this solemn event fill you with life-giving force, inspiration, encourage you to innovative ideas, their successful implementation in the professional sphere. We wish success and fruitful work for the benefit of the Ukrainian people!


Let the democratic principles enshrined in the Constitution become the realities of our present, and let the spirit of legality come to the heart of every citizen of our country. We wish that peace and harmony will contribute to the further development of the rule of law!

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