The Ascension of the Lord is an important event for believers of both Eastern and Western rites. On this day, Jesus Christ ascended to heaven in front of his disciples. This date changes every year, it all depends on the date of Easter. The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord is celebrated forty days after Easter. Believers of the Western rite will celebrate the Ascension of the Lord 2024 — May 9, all others will celebrate it on June thirteen.
May 9 Ascension of the Lord - a short history of the holiday
In the Gospel it is written that the Son of God was resurrected and at that time was among his flock. He gathered all the apostles on Mount Eleon, where he blessed his disciples and ascended to heaven. It was then that angels appeared and announced that Jesus Christ would return to earth to his disciples.
The Ascension of the Lord is a date in the Christian calendar that is one of the twelfth holidays. On the eve of the holiday, solemn singing begins, in the evening an all-night vigil is held. What is the Ascension of the Lord, how is it customary to celebrate this important day for Christians:
People who believe in God necessarily attend church services;
They devote a lot of time to prayers;
Loud parties were arranged, songs were sung;
One of the traditions was baking pies with green onions;
They prepared a special treat "ladder" - a cake on which several "transitions" were made from the dough, symbolizing the steps of the apocalypse, it was consecrated and treated to relatives and loved ones.

What does the feast of the Ascension of Christ mean, four main points:
The ascension of Christ is His spiritual presence everywhere, without which there would be no gift of the Holy Spirit;
Christ ascended to heaven to "prepare a place for his followers", for those who "in Christ" hope to be with their Master one day;
The ascension of the Son of God proves that the sacrifice was not in vain and was accepted by God;
Ascension means that there is a person in heaven who sympathizes with all living things on Earth and is also able to be his deputy.
Christ is an example for mankind. He went through all the stages of life's experience—birth, growing up, earthly temptations, suffering, and death.

What cannot be done, and what is also prohibited by the Orthodox Church on a major holiday:
To refuse help to the needy, because according to beliefs, on this day the Lord walks the streets in the guise of a beggar, so everyone who needs it is given alms;
Do not slander and spread gossip;
It is forbidden to conduct a wedding ceremony;
On this day, memorial services are not held, and the cemetery is not visited;
You can't spit on the ground - at this time Jesus Christ is walking on it.
However, it is not forbidden to work on Ascension Day, especially nowadays, when not everyone can take a day off, because the holiday falls in the middle of the working week - Thursday. A great religious holiday — the Feast is accompanied by a special greeting among Christians. On this day, greetings are used - "Glory to Jesus Christ!", they respond - "Glory forever!".
It is on this day that pilgrims from all over the world go to the monastery located on Mount Eleon to see the stone with the footprint of Christ, from which He "went" to heaven.

The prayer for the Ascension of the Lord, which is customary to read on this date:
Lord Jesus Christ, our God, who came down from the Heavenly heights of our salvation for us with spiritual joy on the holy and bright day of Your Resurrection, and for now, after the completion of Your earthly ministry, from us to heaven with glory at the right hand of God and the Father!
On this clear and all-bright day of Your divine ascension to heaven, the earth celebrates and rejoices, the sky also rejoices with the Ascension of the Creator of creatures today, people praise unceasingly, seeing their exalted and fallen nature on Yours, Savior, let us lift them up to heaven, saying: Who is this, who came in glory, strong in battle, this is truly the King of Glory?!
It is like for us weaklings, earthly yet wise and carnal indulgence to create unceasingly, Your ascension to heaven is terrible I think even while proclaiming, carnal and vital to put aside care and with Your Apostles to heaven now examples with all my heart and all my mistakes, remembering, because there in heaven the mountain is our abode, right here on earth we are travelers and sojourners who have left our father's house to the far country of sin.
Therefore, we diligently ask You, by Your glorious Ascension, Lord, to revive our conscience, for there is nothing in the world that needs it, take us out of the captivity of this sinful flesh and the world and create us to be wise in the mountains, and not earthly, because we will not please ourselves and live, and you, Lord, our God, we will serve and we will work, until, renouncing the flesh and passing defenseless aerial tolls, we reach your heavenly lords, and there, at the right hand of your majesty, with the Archangels and Angels and all the saints we will glorify the Universal Your name is with your Beginningless Father, and the Holy One, and the One Being, and your Life-Giving Spirit, now and always, and forever and ever. Amen.
God, Your Son ascended to heaven today in front of the apostles. Make us, according to the promise, worthy of His presence with us on earth and eternal life with Him in heaven. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, O God, forever and ever. Amen.
Almighty God, Your Only Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, ascended to heaven. Grant that we may also be lifted up in heart and mind and dwell there with Him, Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Greetings with the Ascension of the Lord, with which you can greet all relatives, friends and acquaintances:
May God be great
Will send joy to your house,
Strong health and a thick summer crowd,
And a pretty smiling rich woman,
And the Ukrainian gold song.
Let happiness fly to your home
It will bring the freshness of the dawn on its wings,
And the warmth of optimism!
The Lord ascended to heaven and thereby gave us hope for happiness and a bright future. May He protect you from above, may every prayer uttered by your heart be heard. Happy holiday!
Congratulations on the Ascension! May the Lord protect your family from evil and bad weather and grant you well-being, love and grace. Let there be light and calm in the heart, every day brings joy and positivity.
From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on the bright day of the Ascension of the Lord! Let the sun warm your home and let its rays fill it with goodness, joy, and happiness! I wish mutual understanding, a friendly family and strong love!
Congratulations on the bright holiday of the Ascension of the Lord! Let life consist of joyful moments and pleasant little things, be full of love, goodness and warmth of human hearts! More good deeds, wonderful surprises, magical events! Enjoy the wonderful world, believe in yourself and live a decent life!
Greetings with the Ascension of the Lord in prose and verse:
Happy holiday today
I congratulate you all!
On the Ascension Day
I wish you health!
I wish you happiness,
Hope and love!
Always may the Lord
Was in every word!
Ascension of the Lord —
A holiday of light and goodness!
Let's make a wish today
Peace and warmth to you all.
Today I congratulate you on the holiday!
This is a big day and a big time!
The Ascension of the Lord is a sign of holy faith,
It makes our soul happy, dispels the gloom
Gray weekdays, hard days -
Hope for ordinary people.
Do not let faith leave you,
To be with you every hour!
Birds sang,
He rose to help us,
Any troubles to win.
So that everyone lives in peace always,
Inspired by the power of good.
And congratulating on this day,
I want to wish
To keep on the ground
God bless you.
Ascension of the Lord
He carries the news well.
Be happy today
The Lord gives everything!
May happiness be with you
And God's grace!
Then all kinds of bad weather
You will be bypassed!
And also pictures with the Ascension: