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New Year 2024: what animal will become a symbol, how to meet and what to expect

Green Wooden Dragon photo

According to the Eastern calendar, the symbol of 2024 is the Green Wooden Dragon. What 2024 will bring and what to expect from this year's wayward sign.

The Year of the Green Wooden Dragon promises change. Many changes. After all, the dragon itself is a symbol of imperial power in China, that is, a very strong, powerful and decisive sign. Green is associated with growth and prosperity in general, and wood with adaptations to any adverse situations.

So do not be afraid of the future that the green wooden dragon brings you. No matter how difficult the new circumstances are, you will have the strength to survive them. The main thing is to keep faith in the best and continue the struggle.

When the year of the Green Wooden Dragon comes

When the year of the Green Wood Dragon comes

According to the Chinese calendar, the year of the green dragon will begin on February 10, 2024 and last until January 28, 2025. After all, the date of the Chinese New Year is unstable, as it is tied to the lunar cycle.

The Year of the Dragon occurs every 12 years. The next year of the Dragon will come only in 2036.

Add to this 5 more basic elements - earth, fire, wood, metal and water, and get a cycle of 60 years. This is important, because each element gives its emphasis. For example, the fire of the next year of the Dragon will cause more radical changes, which will be much more difficult to adapt to.

What will be the year of the Wooden Dragon in 2024

What will be the year of the Wood Dragon in 2024

Dragons in the East have a special attitude - they are considered one of the most important mythological animals, often able to compete for power with the gods. But they do this extremely rarely, because Chinese dragons, unlike their Western relatives, are not destroyers, but custodians. Therefore, everything they pay attention to moves exclusively in the direction of harmonization and stabilization.

But the Wooden Green Dragon, whose year is 2024, is special even here. After all, he not only sets the vector for the development of the situation, but also provides you with the forces and internal resources to follow this vector. Yes, there will be difficulties - because any growth is possible only through overcoming. But this time everything will be a little easier.

So, if possible, dedicate 2024 to the year of the dragon for development. Spiritual, physical, financial, intellectual - it doesn't matter. The main thing is to approach the process as seriously and responsibly as possible, because the Dragon does not like frivolous people and those who break their promises.

How to meet the year 2024 - Green Wooden Dragon

Ring in the New Year like an emperor. After all, the Dragon is a symbol of imperial power in most Eastern philosophies. Emphasis on naturalness over sophistication will be relevant this year. Use things from natural materials. For example, leather, wood or glass. Don't forget the glitter, the Dragon likes it.

Meet the year 2024 in a fun company, because routine and everyday life are not for the Dragon. Gather friends, relatives and loved ones around you. Despite the harmony and calmness, the Dragon is able to add a touch of adventure to your evening. Be ready for pleasant surprises and adventures.

In the New Year's image, it is worth showing sophistication and a little creativity. The main thing is the harmony of the combination of colors. The following will be relevant: gold, silver, gray and white. But the green color, despite the fact that it is in the name of the year, on the contrary, can cause failures. In addition, the Dragon likes metal and gold accessories. Therefore, do not forget about small details in the form of earrings, a pendant or a hairpin. Well, the festive events themselves are better to be held in some nice institution.

As for gifts, perhaps the best option according to the being whose year is 2024 is an envelope with money. It must be red, the so-called "hongbao". And also red flowers and fruits, for example, roses or tangerines.

How to meet the year 2024 - Green Wooden Dragon

What to expect in 2024

2024 will become synonymous with the word "development". Including forced. Therefore, it is better not to resist, but to start immediately improving and harmonizing various aspects of your life. Do not be afraid of difficulties - in the year of the Green Dragon, you will have the strength to overcome any obstacles on your way.

During the year of the Green Wooden Dragon, you should be decisive, courageous and responsible. The Dragon is endowed with such traits, which is why he loves them in others. Success will be on the side of such people.

2024 is favorable for marriage. New stages in the relationship will benefit both partners. After all, the Dragon approves of family values and will contribute to the improvement of relations with family and friends.

The animal brings the greatest success to those born in the year of the Dragon. Therefore, the most favorable year 2024 will be for people who will turn 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60.

As for those born in other years, the situation is as follows. Bull, Horse and Dog will not be particularly successful, while Rat, Tiger, Rooster and Pig - on the contrary. In other signs, the situation will be more or less neutral, with a positive bias, because the year of the Green Dragon is development and changes for everyone.

What does the year of the Green Wooden Dragon promise for children

Children born in the year of the dragon have outstanding intelligence and creativity. Moreover, this does not prevent them from finding a common language with others. Such gifts become the real happiness of the family.

As for the chosen fields of activity, little dragons are team players. Real leaders who not only purposefully move towards the set goal, but also attract others to follow them. And it does not matter what the goal will be - the little dragon will achieve everything he wants. Almost.

After all, his main problem is excessive ambition. Dragons do not always adequately assess their strength at the moment, so they often overexert themselves. In addition, they very painfully perceive failures, and even worse - betrayals, of their team members. So much so that they may even abandon "team play", which will force them to overexert themselves even more. And although this is a very hardy, adaptable and determined sign, even it has its limits.

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