Does the position of the sun, stars and planets at the time of your birth affect your future life? It is difficult to say. Everyone solves this issue individually. But to solve it, you need to understand the theory at least a little. At a minimum - to know what the "big three" of astrology are, to have the ability for more or less objective self-analysis and at least to know the main character traits of the zodiac signs. And only then, after a careful assessment of both yourself and your acquaintances, you will be able to draw some conclusions.
Actually, my experience shows that there is an addiction. The astrologer, who did not know me at all, was able to describe quite clearly not only my demonstrative traits, but also those that I carefully hid from others, solely on the basis of my natal chart. But the birth chart is a rather complicated thing, so for ease of understanding, we will tell you now what the astrological "big three" is in general, which can be calculated by knowing the exact place, hour, day and year of your birth. So.
Sun sign of the zodiac
It is easiest to find out about your sun sign of the zodiac. To do this, you should know your date of birth. But here lies the first difficulty. The fact is that there are two approaches to how to calculate the sun sign of the zodiac. Calendar and astronomical. The first is much simpler, as it is clearly tied to the standard calendar. The second is much more accurate, as it takes into account the position of the sun at the specific moment of your birth. Only it is different every year, so the dates can shift, and significantly.

Plus, as astrology shows us, sun signs, calculated in a more accurate way, even last for different times. In the same scorpion, for example, the luminary stays only 7 days, and in cancer, for example, 20.
But we will not complicate the situation and use the calendar method to calculate the sun sign of the zodiac. We will have the following.
Aries: March 21 - April 19
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Leo: July 23 - August 22
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
Libra: September 23 - October 22
Scorpio: October 23 - November 21
Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21
Capricorn: December 22 - January 19
Aquarius: January 20 - February 18
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
But how does this affect the character of the zodiac signs? Very easy. Sun signs are exactly the basis of this character. Basic points that will remain as they are, if not changed by upbringing or a special way of life. So knowing people's sun signs makes it much easier to interact with them. And here such a regularity can be traced.
Aries. Fiery, but outgoing. At the same time, they are noble, kind and even a little naive. They have good leadership qualities, but they use them for the benefit of other people and simply because they like it, and not for their own benefit. They are not afraid to make difficult decisions, argue and prove their opinion. But due to excessive emotionality, not too good in these arguments.
Taurus. Stubborn But at the same time, they are rational, calm, diligent and hardworking. One of the few zodiac signs that loves routine. They value personal comfort very much, and strive for it with all their might. It is difficult to get along with people, but they are infinitely faithful and loyal to those whom they have recognized as "their own".
twins Non-permanent Appreciate any changes in life purely for the fact of their presence. As a rule, very quickly orient themselves in new circumstances, learn new skills, interesting, witty. They are very pleasant to talk to, but it is risky to rely on them in serious matters.
Cancer. Careful Cancers are emotional, but they know this and are able to control their reactions to a greater extent. They know people very well, but they are in no hurry to get close to others. They have developed intuition, value comfort and peace.
Lion. Egocentric. For Leos, there are only them, plus close friends and relatives. The rest are "the audience in the theater of one actor - a lion." Outstanding leadership qualities, the ability to get along well with people, the ability to inspire and lead are the main positive traits of the character of the Leo zodiac sign.
Virgo. Perfectionists. At best, only to yourself. At worst, they demand the same from others. They are very intellectual, hardworking, logical and rational, and at the same time understand people well. But it is very difficult to earn the trust of virgins.
Libra. Too conservative. Libras value personal comfort, love art and communication with loved ones. In general, a very harmonious zodiac sign that advocates balance and equilibrium in everything. But also one that is irreconcilable to everything that violates this balance. At the same time, Libras are perfectly able to argue their position, since they are also well developed intellectually.
Scorpio. Manipulative. Nobody understands people better than scorpions. They have leadership qualities, are very strong, strong-willed and purposeful individuals. Emotional, but rational - that is, they show their emotions only when it is beneficial to them.
Sagittarius. Frivolous. Constantly in search of new ideas, acquaintances, impressions. At the same time, they are incredibly productive, although it is difficult for shooters to do one thing for a long time. Excellent interlocutors, able to quickly navigate the situation and make decisions. But they are not always ready to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions.
Ibex. Boring It is this term that best describes the basic negative side of the character of the Capricorn zodiac sign. At the same time, they are hardworking, faithful, intellectually developed, purposeful and ambitious. But communicating with them is quite difficult, since Capricorns tend to hide their emotions, including from themselves.
Aquarius. Superficial. Yes, Aquarians are excellent interlocutors, they know a lot, it is interesting to work with them, but it is better not to trust them with some really difficult tasks. Because they don't really like responsibility. But learning about something new, communicating with people and helping them is the opposite. Plus, Aquarians are characterized by some eccentricity in everything they can.
Pisces. Excessively emotional. The behavior of fish is not governed by rationality, but by emotions and feelings. Therefore, they know people well and are inclined to creative professions. Excellent friends, excellent interlocutors. But in difficult situations, they easily lose their temper, up to full-blown tantrums, which in no way contributes to solving problems.
Moon sign of the zodiac
But with the signs of the moon, everything is more complicated. Simply because they are tied to the lunar cycle, which shifts greatly from year to year. And they are "lunar" because the moon was in this sign at the time of your birth. The problem is that this position depends not only on the day, but also on the hour, and especially on the place where you were born.

Therefore, it is difficult to calculate the lunar sign of the zodiac. And there are two ways to do it. The first is to use online calculators. Now there are a lot of them, and they make a good natal chart by date of birth. They are far from ideal, but they give an idea of the situation.
A good example, it's a pity only in English - . But there are also domestic analogues. The second option of how to find out about your lunar zodiac sign is to consult a specialist. They draw up birth charts independently, taking into account additional "unpredictable" elements, such as sudden comets or various eclipses. Plus, their interpretations of the interactions of individual elements are not formulaic, but based on personal experience.
What is the moon sign of the zodiac responsible for? Astrology believes that this is an emotional sphere, values and motives. That is, how you yourself feel your place in the world and how you want to see yourself in it. The most, perhaps, difficult moment for awareness and control. If the character that the sun sign of the zodiac imposes on you can be corrected, albeit with difficulty, and the mask that is dictated by the ascendant sign can be changed very easily, then practically nothing can be done with emotions. It is all the more important for you to figure out how to find out about your moon zodiac sign as early as possible.
Ascendant signs of the zodiac
The eastern sign of the zodiac is so called because it is determined by the constellation that rose above the horizon at the time of your birth. These constellations change every 2.5-3 hours, plus they can be different in different parts of the globe. So in this situation you will need either a good online calculator or an experienced astrologer.
What determines the ascendant sign of the zodiac? The impression you make on others. How you are seen and felt. You can say that this is the mask by which you will be judged until they get to know you better. In addition, it is the ascendant signs that determine which house in your birth chart will be considered the first and which planet will be the main one. And it is from him that she will line up.
As for natal charts or charts by date of birth, this is the topic of a separate article - there are so many basic and advanced interactions of various elements. Therefore, the automatic interpretations that will be issued by the online calculator will rarely match the real picture 100 percent. My experience is 60 percent. But the interpretation of a professional astrologer is all 90, if not more.
As you can see, in astrology there is both a simple and a complex approach to determining the big three and making cards by date of birth. And a simple one will give you only a very approximate result, which often does not even correspond to your feelings and experience. If you want to know exactly the strengths and weaknesses of your character, the zodiac signs and birth charts should be interpreted by experts. As I said at the beginning, the personal experience of communicating with such a specialist allowed me to understand myself a little better. And learn, if not to avoid stereotyped reactions, then at least to monitor this moment. Which is extremely important for the development of truly conscious behavior, when it is you, and not external factors, who begin to control your life.